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Top 3 Mistakes to Avoid When Launching an IoT Deployment: A Webinar

While the advantages of the Internet of Things are significant, there are basic hurdles to overcome when entering into this connected world. With well-thought plans, and an experienced provider, businesses can gain the coverage they need, enact comprehensive connectivity management for total device oversight, and be backed by a support structure that focuses on their success. Below, we outline three hurdles that need to be addresses for any and every IoT deployment, regardless of location or number of devices.

Lack of Reliable, Always-On Coverage

Maintaining always-on connectivity coverage should be a starting point for any deployment. Without it, deployments suffer increased downtime, coverage costs go up, and thought-out business plans become far less effective. To overcome this issue, go with a technology partner experienced in IoT deployments.

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No Comprehensive Connectivity Management Leading to No Oversight, No Insight

With global cellular connectivity, connecting devices is just the beginning. Once you have deployed the devices, the next most important thing to know is whether the devices and sensors are working properly. However, a key challenge with many IoT processes and tools is the lack or visibility into the devices connectivity information. If your current provider cannot answer these basic connectivity questions, then you might need to rethink your alliance to that provider.

Lack of Support (Pre- and Post-Deployment)

Maximizing global support is becoming a turning point for IoT organizations. Support and troubleshooting for an IoT deployment can consist of several areas of importance, including onboarding and deployment support; help desk assistance; response times; proactive problem notifications; and 24/7 online and automated information services. Support levels can break or make a deal or, in a worse-case scenario, can force customers to switch providers.

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Aeris Intelligent IoT Network

The Aeris Intelligent IoT Network is an intelligent global solution for connecting IoT devices across 2G, 3G, LTE, LTE-M, and NB-IoT. Leveraging more than a decade of wireless IoT connectivity experience, with more than 14M units under management, the Intelligent IoT Network lays the groundwork for a dynamic and flexible connectivity solution that adapts to a rapidly changing environment.

The Path Forward

Whether its expanding your IoT network coverage, or moving to next-gen technology, deploying a large-scale IoT solution can be daunting.

You need a subject matter expert that can guide you through the entire IoT deployment process, while managing your resources on one platform, regardless of project location, previous technology used, or the number of devices in your deployment.

Aeris IoT connectivity solutions simplify the IoT deployment process from start to finish. Aeris provides better reliability, performance, visibility, and control so that your deployment operates at peak performance. Sign up for our next webinar, Top 3 Mistakes to Avoid When Launching an IoT Solution and let us show you how.

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